My Presentation on Hatshepsut

Recently in History class we were learning about Egypt, but also power, trade, and culture, the main ingredients in civilization. So we did a project in which we each chose one of those ingredient, and an example of that ingredient in ancient Egypt. I chose the female pharaoh Hatshepsut as an example of institutional power. Here is a video of my slides:

Made my me
Made by me
Made by me


Made by me
Made by me
Made by me
Made by me
Made by me
Made by me

Thanks for reading and I hoped you learned something. It was really fun and Iā€™m proud of it because I got a really good grade on it and I felt like I did well on it.

My Frisbee Team

Hello Readers!

In case you didnā€™t know, I play a sport called Ultimate Frisbee

Image from Wikipedia

It is a very fun sport. Many people donā€™t know about it though, and it is often confused for frisbee golf. The way it is played is one team bucks the disc to the other, then the latter tries to advance the disc up the field and into the end zone for a point. But they can only run without the disc in their hands, and they have to pass. Meanwhile the other team is trying to stop them by intercepting or blocking passes in the air. That is but a brief synopsis, but thatā€™s all you need to know for now.

The main season is winter, but I play a league with two recreation seasons in fall and spring and one league that ends in a tournament in the winter. Itā€™s very fun! This winter Iā€™ve been on a team of 11 people. The thing I like the most is the diversity. People from ages 9-15 play in my league, and both boys and girls play. Ā I also love the teamwork and sportsmanship. I donā€™t know about other teams, but my team is great. We are all really nice and sportsmanlike, and we have great teamwork. We communicate great on the field. Some of the other teams weā€™ve played have been not the nicest, like the last team we played kept calling fouls when nothing happened, or faking fouls. And another teamā€™s coach was yelling at our coach and our team, and their players were yelling at each other. But our team is great!

Here is our lineup:

Me/Ajay/Sonic (sonic is my frisbee nickname)- I am a receiver. Iā€™m the fastest guy on our team and I probably score the most points. I run ahead of the disc and go for long advances

Atticus- Atty is the handler. He was with me last year at the tournament where we got third. He throws long hucks for me and the other receivers. He also throws short skilled passes in clutch moments.

Riley- She is also a receiver. She stays a little bit shorter though. Weā€™ve had some great plays together, where one of us catches it 5-10 yards from the end zone, then the other one runs ahead and the former passes them disc for the point. Her parents both played ultimate and sheā€™s a great team player.

Aidan- He is a handler and a great defensive player. Heā€™s had some great hand blocks and has thrown some powerful points. He is really nice and pretty tall. He does it all with some catches. He is always the first one to volunteer for handler.

Keen- He is also a handler. Heā€™s been at all of our games, and his dad is one of our coaches. You can tell how committed he is because heā€™s gotten so much better throughout the season.

Benson- Benson is a receiver. He stays short and gets those crucial passes so we can work our way upfield. Always improving, he is a great part of our team. Weā€™ve had some plays together where he gets passed the disc, then I run quickly ahead, and he gives me a pass.

Victor-Vic is a handler. His fakes with the disc are amazing and you can tell how much he loves to play. He doesnā€™t get overzealous and through deep hucks that he canā€™t make, Ā heā€™s been throwing nice short passes to advance the disk. Everyone loves Victor!

Teddy- Teddy is not the loudest player, but heā€™s always out there giving it his best. And by that I donā€™t mean heā€™s not good. In fact he is very tall and is crucial in big passes. We also say he has fairy magic because he magically gets the disk whenever itā€™s thrown around him.

Livvie- Livvie has improved the most this season. The first game she had never played before, and by the tournament she had the disk as much as everyone else and was making great catches and passes.

Joey- Joey has only been at 4 games, 3 of those in one day at the tournament, but he still is great at taking feedback.

Archer- Archer is the tiniest guy on our team. Heā€™s in 5th grade but he is great. Heā€™s famous for catching anything, especially big passes into the air that come down really fast, and that no one else would go for. Heā€™s also pretty low down and makes great sliding catches.

Thatā€™s my team! Recently we had our tournament. Sadly we didnā€™t win any games. But all the other teams had practice 3-4 times a week Ā and we practiced for 20 minutes each week. So thanks for reading, Iā€™ll give you more updates when the spring season starts up.