All posts by 30ajayh

My Presentation on Hatshepsut

Recently in History class we were learning about Egypt, but also power, trade, and culture, the main ingredients in civilization. So we did a project in which we each chose one of those ingredient, and an example of that ingredient in ancient Egypt. I chose the female pharaoh Hatshepsut as an example of institutional power. Here is a video of my slides:

Made my me
Made by me
Made by me


Made by me
Made by me
Made by me
Made by me
Made by me
Made by me

Thanks for reading and I hoped you learned something. It was really fun and Iā€™m proud of it because I got a really good grade on it and I felt like I did well on it.

My Frisbee Team

Hello Readers!

In case you didnā€™t know, I play a sport called Ultimate Frisbee

Image from Wikipedia

It is a very fun sport. Many people donā€™t know about it though, and it is often confused for frisbee golf. The way it is played is one team bucks the disc to the other, then the latter tries to advance the disc up the field and into the end zone for a point. But they can only run without the disc in their hands, and they have to pass. Meanwhile the other team is trying to stop them by intercepting or blocking passes in the air. That is but a brief synopsis, but thatā€™s all you need to know for now.

The main season is winter, but I play a league with two recreation seasons in fall and spring and one league that ends in a tournament in the winter. Itā€™s very fun! This winter Iā€™ve been on a team of 11 people. The thing I like the most is the diversity. People from ages 9-15 play in my league, and both boys and girls play. Ā I also love the teamwork and sportsmanship. I donā€™t know about other teams, but my team is great. We are all really nice and sportsmanlike, and we have great teamwork. We communicate great on the field. Some of the other teams weā€™ve played have been not the nicest, like the last team we played kept calling fouls when nothing happened, or faking fouls. And another teamā€™s coach was yelling at our coach and our team, and their players were yelling at each other. But our team is great!

Here is our lineup:

Me/Ajay/Sonic (sonic is my frisbee nickname)- I am a receiver. Iā€™m the fastest guy on our team and I probably score the most points. I run ahead of the disc and go for long advances

Atticus- Atty is the handler. He was with me last year at the tournament where we got third. He throws long hucks for me and the other receivers. He also throws short skilled passes in clutch moments.

Riley- She is also a receiver. She stays a little bit shorter though. Weā€™ve had some great plays together, where one of us catches it 5-10 yards from the end zone, then the other one runs ahead and the former passes them disc for the point. Her parents both played ultimate and sheā€™s a great team player.

Aidan- He is a handler and a great defensive player. Heā€™s had some great hand blocks and has thrown some powerful points. He is really nice and pretty tall. He does it all with some catches. He is always the first one to volunteer for handler.

Keen- He is also a handler. Heā€™s been at all of our games, and his dad is one of our coaches. You can tell how committed he is because heā€™s gotten so much better throughout the season.

Benson- Benson is a receiver. He stays short and gets those crucial passes so we can work our way upfield. Always improving, he is a great part of our team. Weā€™ve had some plays together where he gets passed the disc, then I run quickly ahead, and he gives me a pass.

Victor-Vic is a handler. His fakes with the disc are amazing and you can tell how much he loves to play. He doesnā€™t get overzealous and through deep hucks that he canā€™t make, Ā heā€™s been throwing nice short passes to advance the disk. Everyone loves Victor!

Teddy- Teddy is not the loudest player, but heā€™s always out there giving it his best. And by that I donā€™t mean heā€™s not good. In fact he is very tall and is crucial in big passes. We also say he has fairy magic because he magically gets the disk whenever itā€™s thrown around him.

Livvie- Livvie has improved the most this season. The first game she had never played before, and by the tournament she had the disk as much as everyone else and was making great catches and passes.

Joey- Joey has only been at 4 games, 3 of those in one day at the tournament, but he still is great at taking feedback.

Archer- Archer is the tiniest guy on our team. Heā€™s in 5th grade but he is great. Heā€™s famous for catching anything, especially big passes into the air that come down really fast, and that no one else would go for. Heā€™s also pretty low down and makes great sliding catches.

Thatā€™s my team! Recently we had our tournament. Sadly we didnā€™t win any games. But all the other teams had practice 3-4 times a week Ā and we practiced for 20 minutes each week. So thanks for reading, Iā€™ll give you more updates when the spring season starts up.

Wisdom Tales Comic

Recently in LA we have been reading the Wisdom Tales. After we took a test on them, we each made a comic about one of the tales.Ā  We used a digital drawing app and Comic Life 3 to create these. I chose The Prodigal Son from the Christian tradition. I also chose to modernize it. Enjoy!

Made my me in sketchbook and Comic Life 3
Made by me in sketchbook and Comic Life 3
Made by me in sketchbook and Comic Life 3

Thanks For Reading

Be on the lookout for my next post, My Frisbee Team!

A Tribute to Patrick; A Ranta

Hello READERS! Before we start this is a tribute to 30patricks so let me give you the link to his blogĀ

Now if you read his blog, then you know his thing is rants. Now I write an article in a student-owned fake-newspaper at my school called Tinted Lens (I might write about that later) under the alias Enroh Yaja (donā€™t ask) and recently I wrote about Christmas for our Christmas special. It was basically a rant on Santa (a ranta) so I revised it and put it in here.

A Ranta

Santa Claus. The myth goes that he was an old Turkish man who put ORANGES in peoplesā€™ SOCKS! Like what the heck? Ok thatā€™s creepy, and who wants to eat their foot fungus? Then he meets some elves in the forest and ā€œsavesā€ them from other humans. Ok that sounds kinda susā€¦

Made by me on sketchbook

I mean whoā€™s to say he didnā€™t enslave them? And now they do Some pretty sus stuff for him, but weā€™ll get to that later. Now that weā€™ve gone over his history, letā€™s go over what he does today. Okay so apparently his elves work 364 days a year, and get to rest for one day. And the movies always leave out one thing. If I were working 364 days a year with only one payed vacation, I would quit (if I could) but thatā€™s the thing; are they paid? Iā€™ve never heard anyone talk about their pay. Maybe he gives them some cookies? I donā€™t even know. And what would he pay them? Theyā€™re stuck in the arctic circle, how could they use money. I hope he feeds them at least. Now while theyā€™re working, what is he doing? Does he work too? I donā€™t know. I feel like if you want to make a convincing argument that someone this fantastical exists, you canā€™t leave gaping holes in the lore! Now letā€™s get to the creepier side of Santa. Where should I start? There is the popular point, isnā€™t he breaking and entering, how does no one know where he lives, or maybe something about the millions of mall santas. While those are all good points, Iā€™ll get to them later. I want to talk about the elves. So, does anyone have an elf on the shelf? I do. And I know a lot of my friends do. And they all look like perfect angels. They all look like 10 year olds with their perfectly smooth faces, dimples, and good haircuts. THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME! And the elves canā€™t all be that perfect. So where are the others. Santa might not be the jolly old man we all know. He is probably ashamed of the non-homogeneous side of the spectrum, and makes them the ones that stay back and work. Hereā€™s another problem with the elves. How do they get into your house? Magic or Mischief? Were they thieves before they were elves? How do they know how to get into the houses. All Iā€™m saying is, when December rolls around, check your locks. Alright letā€™s talk about Santa. Iā€™m guessing youā€™ve been waiting for my perspective on ā€œhow does he get into your chimney.ā€ Ok Iā€™ll acknowledge the elephant in the room. Heā€™s fat. Like gigantic. Iā€™m not going to deny it. I know a lot of you have probably been waiting for me to address the question of, how does he fit down the chimney? My thoughts exactly. Ā But take a step back, and what about him flying through the sky? Heā€™s bound to have run into a few planes flying at those high speeds. And then he just parks on your roof and slides his big belly down your chimney. Now me personally, my family has a screen over our fireplace, and itā€™s always perfectly intact Christmas morning. And a lot of people don’t have chimneys! Me included! So what kind of ā€œmagicā€ is this ā€œSantaā€ using? Lockpicks? Does he break your windows? I donā€™t know but this santa guy sounds like a fraud. Now what about the reindeer? Where did he acquire flying reindeer? Because Iā€™ve never seen or heard of them in the wild. So did he domesticate them and then kill all of them except nine? Or does he just keep all the others in his basement. And what about when Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen die? Does he just name some other reindeer Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen? Now how about Mrs. Claus? Itā€™s 2023 people! She doesnā€™t get so much as a cookie! And you expect me to believe that santa just eats millions of cookies in one night? Because I see crumbs on the plate. So he must have eaten the cookie instead of saving it for later.

Whoever this Santa guy is, I have a problem with you.

So thankā€™s for reading, and remember, I havenā€™t even talked about the other ā€œmagicalā€ figures out there, so stay tuned for more, and remember to have a great holiday season no matter what holiday you are celebrating.

Happy Holidays!


Hello readers! It is November, and if you didnā€™t know, Thanksgiving is coming up. This year it is on the 23, because it’s always on the second Thursday of November.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday. It dates back to 1621 in the British colonies in America. But a year before, in 1620, a ship called the Mayflower left England to go to America. It didnā€™t only carry men like the ships before that were sent there to scout out the land or to fight the Spanish and the French, but women and children as well, to settle this new land. Some were religious separatist, seeking to get away from the Church of England so they could freely practice their faith. Some were just families going their for the promise of profit and prosperity in the new land. The 66 day boat ride to the ā€œNew Worldā€ was a tough one, but once they finally got to the Americas they started establishing their settlement in Plymouth. Throughout the first winter most stayed on the ship. Many were lost to disease and starvation. But in the spring, a Native American man named Squanto started helping the Pilgrims plant corn and catch fish, and other things they needed to know. No one knows why exactly he decided to help them. It might have been because he wanted them to help him and the Wampanoag fight other rival tribes. But anyway, the Pilgrimsā€™ society got strong, that fall they had a celebratory harvest feast. They called this a thanks giving. They had these normally, just to thank god, but it was this one that our current-day celebrations root from. They probably didnā€™t have the pies and desserts that we have today, but they probably ate corn, fish, and maybe some turkey or chicken. The celebration lasted for three days. On one of those three days, the Pilgrim men were shooting their guns into the air to ā€œexercise their armsā€ when some Native Americans heard them. The Native Americans came over and ate some, but there wasnā€™t enough food! So the Native Americans went out and shot three deer.

For Thanksgiving, my family usually has family over, or goes to one of our grandparentsā€™ houses. We eat lots of good food. My favorite is the Marshmallow salad, a fruit salad with cool whip and marshmallows.

When we go to my momā€™s parentsā€™ house, like we will this year, we see my cousins, and have lots of fun hanging out with them (Iā€™m the oldest boy, and itā€™s really fun to play big brother to 4 little kids). We usually do something like bowling. And then on the day of, we go to the neighborhood clubhouse and rent a dining room. We tons of delicious food. Some of my momā€™s cousins and their families come. After that, we go back to my grandparentsā€™ house and we all play football. Itā€™s so fun for a football lover like me!

This year Iā€™m really thankful for all my friends for being so awesome. They are always really nice and supportive, and Iā€™m glad I have such great friends. Iā€™m also thankful for my parents, and I guess my sisters.

What are you thankful for?

Have a great thanksgiving!

Created by me using

The Manhunt

Before you decide to not read this post because itā€™s too long, READ TO THE END! Itā€™s amazing and Iā€™m revealing a secretā€¦

I play a game called Minecraft which is a survival game where you try to kill monsters and beat a dragon to win. There is plenty of various fun features, but one of my favorites is that you can play in the same world as your friends and fight them. An SMP server is a Survival MultiPlayer. This is a server where a nearly unlimited amount of players can join. So one day, I was playing on an SMP and I just died. I lost all of my stuff, and I had to start over. I was getting wood when someone walked up and placed a sign that said ā€œFight me 4 diamonds or Iā€™ll take your stuff.ā€ I had to accept, mostly because I wanted diamonds (and I didnā€™t want to lose my stuff), but also because I had been testing some clutch (or amazing) moves in a single player world, but Iā€™d been wanting to test them in a PVP (Player Versus Player). So I nodded my head and put all my stuff in a chest, except for 30 wooden blocks, a stone sword, a wooden boat, and my pet sheep, Mutton. Most people that play Minecraft donā€™t know this, but if you play on a mode that most people donā€™t (Bedrock) thereā€™s a glitch where if you jump of a cliff while roped to a sheep or a cow, because of their hitbox it delays your fall for a second, almost acting as a grappling hook. This will come in clutch later. As soon as I came back out of my dirt house, the guy was standing there. Iā€™ll call him thing one. Ā He placed another sign telling me to follow him. He took me to a cave with a lava pool. He threw all of his stuff into the lava except for an iron sword. The odds were fair. Until he placed a sign that told me to wait for a second. So I did, and a minute later someone else walked in. Iā€™ll call this other guy thing two. Thing one placed a sign that said ā€œOkay Manhunt two Huntersā€ Manhunt means some hunters hunt someone else while they try to beat the game. I thought it was just going to be a normal PVP. But it was a 2v1 manhunt! I wasnā€™t doing this. I ran back to my house and got ready to break my chest and get run away with all my stuff. But they were already prepared for that! My house was on fire! And even worse, they had a hopper (which is like a pipe that takes stuff from a chest and moves it to somewhere else) connected to my chest which would steal all my stuff if they activated it. So I placed a sign that said ā€œfineā€ and started running. Luckily I lived by a lake, and I placed my boat on the water and started paddling away. They were ready for this and thing two, who I hadnā€™t seen dump his stuff in lava, had all the materials he needed to make a boat on a crafting table. He speedily made two boats and threw one to thing one. They started paddling after me! But if they had taken the time to scope out the area like I had, they would have known that there was a waterfall that I had made exactly for this situation. Earlier that day, I had found someoneā€™s chest, and it had exactly 8 sticky pistons. Sticky pistons push and pull blocks. I had made a secret door behind the waterfall that would make a secret entrance that I could hide once I was through. I jumped off the waterfall and destroyed and picked up my boat. I hit the button to open the door, and started mining stone. I had to make a furnace to turn the cobblestone that I got from mining stone back into stone, then use the stone to block the entrance back up. In case you didnā€™t know, running and jumping in Minecraft makes you go faster than normal running. So I ran and jumped into the cave. I hadnā€™t done anything to the naturally occurring cave, so it was all new to me. Until I started to see torches. Any player could have placed these, but this cave seemed familiar. And then I saw a sign. The sign said ā€œJustJayā€™s Mine.ā€ Thatā€™s me! I ran down that mine and thatā€™s when I found it; my diamond vault where I kept my diamonds! I opened it up and hid inside. The way it worked was, my old houseā€™s chest had a set of hoppers attached to it which would move anything I put in there into a minecart that ran along a set of chests so that it evenly distributed my diamonds to all the chests. And I had a whole chest full of diamonds! I crafted full diamond armor and tools. I used lava and water to make some obsidian and then a diamond pickaxe to break it. I went up to the surface and grabbed a book. Then I used all of those materials to make an enchanting table. Before I go on, here is a secret. I said at the beginning I said I would, and I donā€™t want people to just skip to the end. So here it is. The SMP I play on is called Donut SMP, and the ip code is I love to team up with people, and if you want to play with me, go to the coordinates widgets and look at the number. If there is none, Iā€™m not online. Go to those coordinates and place a sign that say 30 Ajay/fan, and we can team up! Back to the story. I had to go mining for lapis lazuli to power my crafting table. Once I had a stack of it I enchanted my gear. It was time to go to the nether…

I grabbed some obsidian and made a portal. And then I realized it; I didn’t have a flint and steel. I would need one to light the portal. The iron was relatively easy to get, I just had to kill an Iron Golem. But for the flint I needed to find gravel. So I went into my mine and looked for gravel. Little did I know it was right above me…

I was digging around when I heard fall damage above me. Someone was there! I crouched so they couldn’t see my name tag, but it was too late. They started digging down towards me and I could see thing Ā one’s name tag right above me. Turns out he wasn’t as close as I thought. I mined up to get him, but right above the block I mined were two pieces of gravel! They fell on my head and I started to take suffocation damage. I started mining right away. I realized that my pursuers would be right above me, standing on the gravel. I mined the block that was on my head, and ran away. I turned around to face my hunter, crouched with my shield, and hit him with my sword. I then mined the other gravel block and ran back the way I had come. As I ran, I placed the gravel and mined it, trying to get flint. After a couple tries, I go flint. I turned around and hit my pursuer then continued. Once I got to the entrance to my vault I placed some leftover obsidian. Hopefully thing one didnā€™t have a diamond pickaxe. I ran to my chest. I realized I didnā€™t have enough inventory slots to carry all of my stuff. So I did something risky. I made 2 boats with chests, and put all my stuff in those chests. Then I dug down and made the start of a 2 by 2 tunnel with water. Time for some speed crafting. I placed some gunpowder, some sand, and some gravel. I was making tnt! I placed it all over my vault. I looked over at my obsidian barrier. It looked like thing one had only a stone pickaxe and he had been spending the rest of his time trying to find me. It was taking him a really long time, but he was about to break it. I grabbed my enchanted diamond pickaxe and broke as many hoppers as I could. You never know when you need some hoppers. Thatā€™s when I got hit. I turned around, and hit thing one a couple of times. He had broken through my barrier! I lit a couple tnt blocks as I ran back to my hole. I jumped in my boat and replaced the hole with more obsidian. I started to extend the tunnel and swim away with all of my stuff. Luckily I had my efficiency two pickaxe and I could practically insta-mine. Ā I got out of there like my boat was on fire.

Fast forward 21 Minecraft days and I had done something extremely stupid. I had built a giant, flashy mansion. Everyone knows to not build even the tiniest house in a multiplayer server. But I was feeling lucky and pretty invincible so I did it. In the first 10 days I had mined, cut down trees and built, and the last 10 days were spent hunting and mining again. And on the 21st day I was chilling in my pool (itā€™s very boring in Minecraft). Ā Now if youā€™re wondering about my beloved pet sheep, Mutton, she had her own private room with all the grass she can eat. It was made of all glass, so she could bask in the rays of the sun. Yep, life was good. And then I heard a ssssssss, like TNTā€” It was TNT! Luckily I have CLRs (cat-like reflexes) and I knew to destroy the bottom of my pool, and let the water pour onto the TNT to put it out. That was close! I went down there to check it out and my suspicions were correctā€” the TNT was underneath my whole house and further. It must have been the hunters! I had forgotten all about them. But I hadnā€™t forgotten about danger. In those past 20 days I hadnā€™t become a conceited playboy. Yes, I did build a large mansion, and yes, I had forgotten all about my attackers,Ā but ā€”Ā and thatā€™s a very big but (but not butt)ā€” I had not become Tony Stark.

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Actually maybe I had. But not pre-Iron Man Tony Stark, more like Iron Man.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

I had become a humanitarian, taking in any players who just couldnā€™t find diamonds, or kept getting blown up, like I used to be. So I had built 2 giant walls around my mansion, and between those walls lived refugees. That wasnā€™t the only security measure I had taken. I had also added a moat. The moat is normally empty, so it looks like a mob farm. But it has dispensers around the edges, filled with lava. So I activated the lava. I also had some tricks up my sleeve. After activating the lava, I destroyed the bridge and unleashed trick #1; the golems. Iron Golems are big iron guys who protect you. I had about a dozen of them in hidden cages in the wall, and all I had to do was flip a switch. After that I sat in the watch tower, searching for the culprit of the TNT crime. And then thatā€™s when I saw themā€¦

While I had been building and mining away, I had seen some messages in the chat. I pretty much ignored it, like everyone does, because it is normally just spam. But I saw some weird messages. It looked like someone was raising an army. I saw some messages like ā€œPaying diamonds to help kill a playerā€ and ā€œmeet at spawn.ā€ And they were after me.

About 30 players rode in on horseback WITH HORSE ARMOR! I was prepared for this, and I shot off tnt cannons and drip stone cannons. That killed about 5 people. About 10 people had brought extra blocks. I saw two people with wood blocks, but those burned on the lava when they tried to bridge over. The others had stone and iron. So about 8 people crossed into my front lawn. Now the golems didnā€™t attack because the players werenā€™t doing anything to me. The players knew better than to attack the golems, though. They came straight for the wall and started breaking in. I thought my refugees were done for, even though I gave them each an attack dog. But I watched as the attackers broke into cell after cell and got surprised byā€¦ lava! The players in the cells had used my nether portal to get lava and filled their rooms with it. But where were they now. I decided to stop watching and fight. I jumped down from my watch tower into my armory. I threw on my diamond armor and ran to the gate of the wall. And then I saw them. 15 people in iron armor with 1 dog each all looking at me and jumping in joy. It was the players who had filled their rooms with lava. Sadly, about 6 of them died because they didnā€™t get word that people were coming. But these 15 were waiting for me to lead them.

I gave directions for every one to take a squad of 4 people and guard a wall. I went with the people to the north wall where most of the attackers were. And as I mined through the gate to get outside, I saw the saddest sight. The refugees had made little gravesites for the 6 refugees who had died. One of the players with me told me that he and 2 others had killed all the raiders who had made it through the non-lava-fied rooms and taken the remains of the dead refugees. They then put them in little chests underground.

But as sentimental as this was, it wasnā€™t time for sentiment. It was time to avenge these poor souls. But then I had an epiphany. I told my squad to go, and then tunneled underground. As they fought, I did something I should have done a long time ago. I dug a huge square under my fortress and filled it with tnt. And then I took redstone and made a path out of the cave and then up. Once I got to the surface I connected the redstone to a pressure plate. I made a big tower next to the pressure plate and then made ladders down the side. Then I went back to the fighting. Everyone noticed me right away, and the attackers came for me, and the refugees followed to try and protect me. Once I got to the tower I blocked it off with obsidian so they couldnā€™t follow me, and then used my iron to craft a cauldron, and filled it with lava. I threw all my stuff in their and then I did it. All eyes were on me. It was time to end this war. I took the leap of faith!

I hit the pressure plate and immediately died. I watched as my mansion blew up. The manhunt was finally over and ā€” wait I got death banned!


Hello Readers! The date is October 31st and it is Halloween!

Halloween typography png sticker, festive illustration, transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image
View public domain image source here

If you didnā€™t know, here is some history on Halloween:

The Celtsā€™ New Year was on November 1st, and the day before Halloween 31st was the day they believe the spirits of the dead could roam the earth. They believed this helped their popes, the druids, tell the future, so they had big bonfires. The Celts would wear animal masks to the bonfire, and that is where our costumes come from. (From

Every year around Halloween time, my family carves pumpkins together. On Halloween night, I have friends over for trick or treating, and my older sister goes to her friendā€™s house. My little sister either has friends over or just goes with my mom. This year I went with 4 other friends. We left around 6:00 pm and went around my neighborhood. It was really fun.

Here is a picture of me and the boys going trick or treating.

Taken by my mom

This year I was Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

Taken by me

This year I have braces so I canā€™t eat a lot of candies. But my favorite this year were the Nerds.

Durham Academy 6th Grade Visits Camp Kirkwood

One of my teachers took this

Hello Readers! I am in the 6th grade at Durham Academy, and recently, my class went to a YMCA camp called Camp Kirkwood. We left on August 30th Ā and came back October 1st. We were there for 2 nights, and we did all kinds of fun things. My favorite things areā€¦ the kanga jump which was a giant inflatable trampoline,

Also taken by a teacher of mine.

The pool,

Kirkwood Video Pool





V Swing,




And Bubbles the pig!


So at first I didnā€™t think we would go. I thought this because there was a hurricane that was about to hit the camp. But then the day before, the school said we would go. So I packed up that night and barely stuffed all my stuff into a tiny duffel bag (the biggest one we had) and a giant case for a tiny sleeping bag. We got there and had some sandwiches. Then when we got back from lunch, we just hung out. That night a bunch of people in my cabin got sick. And while we were sleeping (or trying to) the rain of the hurricane reigned, like a god snapping the reins of itā€™s chariot (Iā€™m so sorry). When we woke up (or when we were allowed to turn the lights on) the lake had risen so much, one cabin couldnā€™t walk 10 steps out of their door without walking straight into the lake. That day was pretty fun, and we just did a bunch of activities. That evening after dinner though, we got to do something REALLY fun! All the other groups had done the ā€œV-Swingā€ but not us. And since it was so fun, they let us do it while everyone else was doing something else. And it was soooooo fun! I got harnessed to a rope, and then another rope pulled me up really high, and then let go, and I swung around for a long time. I was the only person in my group to go all the way to the top. The next day, we did ziplining over the lake which was super fun. Then it was time to go Home. My friend walker (link below) said that some kids on his bus were trying to summon the singer Ice Spice by putting Taki chips (spicy) in the Ice drink. I was waving to other cars. It was pretty fun!

About Walker

Ohio State vs Notre Dame

3-0 Ohio State faces off against 4-0 Notre Dame. Hello Readers!If you have looked at my word cloud than you should know that I am an Ohio State fan. If you didnā€™t know, Ohio State is a university in Ohio, USA. But I am an Ohio State Football (American) and recently they played Notre Dame Football (an Indiana University). Ā In case you didnā€™t know, in American football, every time a player either catches the ball in or runs the ball into the end zone, that team scores 6 points. They have a chance then to get an extra point, but thatā€™s not relevant. What is relevant is that instead of scoring a touchdown (described before) they can kick the football between two poles to get 3 points. So in the first quarter no points were scored. It was a defensive and offensive struggle on both sides, and each side kept turning the ball over. In the second quarter, my team, OSU (Ohio State University) scored a field goal (three points between the two poles), and the score was 3-0. In the third quarter OSU scored a touchdown and earned an extra point. The score was 10-0. I felt good about our chances, especially because it was a low scoring game and it seemed like our two scores were just chances that they allowed us but we wouldn’t allow them. But then with 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, Notre Dame scored a 1 yard running touchdown. Then they scored a 1 yard passing touchdown in the fourth quarter. Score: 10-14 Notre Dame. I thought we could still score, but we kept turning the ball over. No one scored. Then we had the ball 10 yards from the end zone. But there were seven seconds left. We couldnā€™t do anything with the press defense they were playing. 4 seconds pass, and we get to the 5 yard line. 3 seconds left on the clock. No hope. We bunch up on the snap, and the ball is hiked, handed off andā€¦ ā€¦TOUCHDOWN OHIO STATE! 16-14 Ohio State. We score the extra point. 17ā€™14. But there is still one second on the clock. So we kick off out of bounds, and they get the ball on the 35 yard line. They do some crazy play with lateral throws, but no use. Ohio State wins!

Photos from Ohio State vs. Notre Dame football, Sept. 23, 2023, by Associated Press.

Backpack Project

Hello everyone! A couple weeks ago in LA we did a project called the Backpack project. What was it all about? Well, over summer break we read a book called Finding Someplace by Denise Lewis Patrick. Itā€™s about a girl named Reesie whoā€™s about to celebrate her birthday when Hurricane Katrina hits her hometown in Louisiana, where the hurricane hit in real life. She stays at her elderly neighborā€™s house with her neighbor, her friendā€™s brother Andre, and his wife.

So first we wrote an essay about who we thought the hero of the book was. I chose to write about Andre:

I think Andre was the hero. First of all, he was willing to do anything to help the others survive, and he always put them first. For example, when the soldier said that they were only taking elderly, Andre lied and said Ms. Martine (the elderly neighbor) was Andre, his wife (Eritrea) and Reesieā€™s grandmother.

Andre was also kind. When Reesie said it was her birthday, he sang ā€œHappy Birthdayā€ for her.

He was also a good leader. When the guy with the boat came, he called out because everyone else was scared. He also made decisions.

Lastly, Andre was brave. He broke the hole in the roof to help everyone else, and when the water was flooding in he told everyone else to go first.

After we wrote that, we filled our backpack. What do I mean by that? Well in the book, Reesie had to pack her backpack full of important stuff last minute. So we did the same. We took a picture of a backpack and drew all the important things we would bring. Ā Here is mine.